San Luis Coastal Educational Foundation

Elevate. Innovate. Captivate.

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As the district’s innovation arm, the San Luis Coastal Education Foundation works to foster a collaborative community of learning in which the best ideas are surfaced, supported, and shared. We are future-focused, working to elevate all students and prepare them to compete in a rapidly changing and dynamic world.


Get Involved

The San Luis Coastal Education Foundation relies on an engaged network of community partners and donors who invest their time, talent, and treasure to make a lasting impact in the lives of our students and the future of our community.



Your support is critical to building a strong foundation that benefits all of our students for generations to come.



Dynamic partners offer opportunities for experience-based and collaborative learning.



Volunteers can inspire students to reach new levels of personal and academic growth.

Our Impact



Our Mission

The San Luis Coastal Education Foundation’s mission is to provide resources and opportunities for innovation in learning and excellence in teaching through big ideas, bold action and community collaboration. 

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It is exciting to see our community mobilizing in support of our students, teachers and schools. This foundation can help us create learning environments in which each student can reach his or her full potential.
— Lisa Stephens, former Pacheco Elementary Teacher and current Principal at Baywood Elementary


Our Work

The San Luis Coastal Education Foundation seeks to inspire our partners in education to dream big, be creative, and accomplish projects they never before thought possible.

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This new foundation is an important part of our district’s strategy to be on the cutting-edge of innovative instructional strategies that equip our students with the academic, creative, and social-emotional skills they need to successfully compete in the new global economy.
— Eric Prater, Superintendent of San Luis Coastal Unified School District


Our Team

In partnership with San Luis Coastal Unified School District, a diverse group of parents, alumni, and business, education and nonprofit leaders came together to launch the foundation to invest in high impact programs that accelerate innovation, student achievement, and opportunity.

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